Plan a Spring Break Adventure in Stanley!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Stanley, Idaho mid-day by lake

As the days grow longer and the snow starts to melt, minds start turning to the spring adventures waiting just around the corner. After a long winter spent cooped up indoors, you deserve a fun-filled getaway--and there's no better way to make it happen than by catching a shuttle to Stanley, Idaho for spring break.

Here's what your trip to Stanley could look like!

Catch a Shuttle to Stanley

The best adventures begin with top-notch travel arrangements--and that's exactly what a shuttle to Stanley has to offer. Comfortable, safe, and roomy enough for your whole family and all your gear, shuttles give you the opportunity to enjoy the blossoming spring views while on the road. All you have to do is find your seat and relax. You also won't have to worry about gas or parking--it's the ideal road trip without all the stress!

When you choose to catch a shuttle to Stanley, you can focus on all the best parts of your spring break vacation without worrying how you'll get there (or how you'll get home).

Planning Your Stanley Adventure

Now that you've got transportation out of the way, you're free to focus on the biggest and best part of any spring break adventure--deciding what you'll do.

There's no limit to the fun just waiting for you in Stanley. Bursting with some of Idaho's best views--not to mention the excitement of experiencing a little town nestled in the mountains--this area has something to offer everyone in your group.

Here are just a few things you won't want to miss while in Stanley:


There's nothing more relaxing than a day spent out on the water--just your family, your fishing poles, and the unspoken challenge to catch the biggest fish. Family fishing trips are a joy in Stanley, where the iconic Salmon River snakes across the land and Rainbow Trout, Steelhead, and Chinook Salmon are just waiting to be reeled in.

Whitewater rafting

Looking for a more breathtaking way to experience the water? Look no further than whitewater rafting, your chance to get out there and see what the river really feels like. You could be joined by people from all over the world, united by their fascination with the mighty Salmon. It's an adventure like no other--just prepare to get wet!


If you're more of a landlubber, have no fear--Stanley has plenty of drier options for your spring break adventure. In fact, it has some of the most exciting hiking trails in the state, giving you a taste of mountain terrain and beautiful spring views as you explore the area. Whether you're looking for a calm, family-friendly stroll or a hike that will make those leg muscles burn, you can find your ideal trail in Stanley.

Hot springs

If you're looking for a way to warm up after a long, dark winter, add Stanley hot springs to your itinerary. It's like visiting nature's spa--and surrounded by the Sawtooth Mountains and some of Idaho's most incredible springtime scenery, you'll be able to really relax and unwind.


Did you know that Stanley is part of the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve? That means the area has restrictions on light pollution, creating a rare chance to experience stargazing in all its natural glory. It's the perfect way to end a fun-filled day in Stanley--just remember to keep an eye out for shooting stars!


There's so much to do in Stanley, Idaho that a day trip might not cut it. Instead, plan a whole spring break adventure to fully experience what this area has to offer--and don't worry about how you'll get there. Just catch a shuttle to Stanley and get ready for an unforgettable trip.

Contact us today to start planning your spring break trip to Stanley!